Fresno rental rates rose at the 5th highest rate in the Nation year to year
Some ugly news for renters recently...
According to the Business Journal, Fresno rental rates rose at the 5th highest rate in the Nation year to year.
Fresno renters saw a 6.2% increase in their month to month living expense in the past year.
At the same time, Fresno homeowners enjoyed an 8% increase in their home value.
The Fresno Bee, published Rents are rising in Fresno. See how much, and how they compare with other parts of the state Is Fresno headed into the same unaffordable trap as California's other big cities? Possibly. It's time to think long-term.
Are you renting?
I have found many people assume there's no way they will qualify to buy a home and so they never look into it. And I totally get it. If I'm being honest it'd take a lot for me to take the first step toward homeownership if I didn't know first-hand how easy it is. I don't think there's enough good content out there, presented simply enough, and positioned somewhere you'd come across it online. I speak to people all the time who are somewhat nervous, unsure how to buy a home and assuming they probably won't qualify. It's awesome when they realize how easy the path to homeownership is and that they do indeed qualify now plans if not now they certainly are on the path to homeownership. We'll set them up in the right direction and the quickest path to buying a home. Uncertainty is the mother of procrastination. I may be renting too.
Not sure you can buy a home or when you'll be able to?
I've had the joy of helping people, like you realize, wow! I can qualify and move now or a lot sooner than they would have thought. how is someone’s supposed to know what it takes to buy a home?
Well, we wrote an article about it here. Let me tell you why I think you’re probably able to buy now or a lot closer to being approved so you can buy.
You may not have much money saved and you may think your credits bad but are you aware of your options? Did you know you don’t have to put 20% on a home? Short on cash to buy? Did you know that you can use gift funds from a parent or family member to cover the down payment for your new home?
Bad credit? That's ok too! You may be closer to qualifying for a loan than you think.
Facts prove buying is significantly better for your financial future than renting.

The average homeowner will build much more wealth than the average renter in their lifetime.
Are you sure renewing your lease is the right choice? Wouldn't you rather pay yourself than your landlord? Aren't you ready to build wealth? We can help! It doesn't matter how far out your home buying goals are, it's never to early to speak with a Realtor. It's free, and they'll set you on the quickest, easiest path to homeownership.
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